Pre-Election Anxiety

Are you having election anxiety like I am? 2020 has been one of the worst years in so many peoples’ lives with Covid-19 flipping the world upside down for most Americans, human rights STILL being a major issue and now let’s throw an election on top of it… sounds like a mental health recipe for disaster.

Here are some distractions that might help you today, tomorrow and the next however long until we know who our next President may be.

  1. Seriously. Make sure you are registered and have VOTE. Not sure if you are registered? Check here.
  2. Take a break from social media.
  3. Avoid discussing politics with family and friends of different viewpoints.
  4. Watch your favorite movie… over and over.
  5. Start a new TV show.
  6. Take a long walk… with your horse, dog, or favorite furry friend.
  7. Have a dance party.
  8. Try some of your Pinterest recipes you have had pinned the last five years and never actually made.
  9. Spend hours scrolling through TikTok. Check out our TikTok page here!
  10. Take a nap.
  11. Organize your closet.
  12. Get an adult coloring book.
  13. Do yoga.
  14. Call your best friend.
  15. Snuggle with your pets.
  16. READ a book.
  17. Take a bubble bath.
  18. Groom your pet, if you have one.
  19. Play a board game (or drinking game if you are 21+…)
  20. Remember there is still so much to be done in our fight for equality and this is just a hurdle. Keep fighting for what you believe in.

Your Guide To Voting Safely | BUILT BY GIRLS

To learn more about what you can except on Election Day click here.

All my love and positivity,
Forest, HofZ Founder